China Labor Contract Law

China`s Labor Contract Law: An Overview

The Labor Contract Law of the People`s Republic of China is the primary legal framework that regulates labor contracts and relations between employees and employers in China. The law sets out a wide range of provisions intended to secure basic labor rights and protect employees` interests. Its provisions are designed to ensure that employees have access to fair treatment, reasonable working hours, equal pay for equal work, safe working conditions, and other essential labor protections.

Key Provisions of the Labor Contract Law

Some of the most significant provisions of the Labor Contract Law include the following:

Contractual Obligations – Employers are required to offer employment contracts to their employees, which must specify the terms and conditions of employment, including the job description, working hours, wages, and other benefits.

Trial Periods – The law also requires employers to include a trial period in their employment contracts, during which employers can evaluate whether employees are suitable for their jobs. The trial period cannot be longer than six months, and during this time, employers can terminate the employee`s employment without triggering severance pay obligations.

Renewals and Termination – The law provides for various protections against wrongful terminations and requires employers to provide notice of termination and severance packages as per the employee`s work experience and years of service.

Working Hours and Rest Days – The law sets a maximum limit of eight hours a day and 44 hours per week. Employers are also required to provide employees with 1-2 days of rest per week.

Overtime Pay – Employers are obligated to pay overtime pay at a rate higher than regular pay rates to employees who work beyond the standard working hour limits and beyond 36 hours per week.


The Labor Contract Law of China is an essential piece of legislation in ensuring protection and basic labor rights to employees in China. As an employer, it is essential to understand and adhere to the labor contract law to avoid legal issues and to foster a positive work environment. Employers should adhere to the law`s provisions to ensure fair treatment and protection of their employees` interests. As an employee, it is crucial to stay informed about the labor contract law to protect your rights and receive fair treatment in the workplace.