Ma Dor Payment Agreement

Ma Dor Payment Agreement: An Overview

The Massachusetts Department of Revenue (Ma Dor) implements tax laws and regulations in the state of Massachusetts. One of its critical functions is to ensure that taxpayers meet their tax obligations as legally required. However, in situations where taxpayers experience financial hardships, the department may consider establishing payment agreements to allow them to pay their tax debts over time.

What is a Ma Dor Payment Agreement?

A Ma Dor payment agreement is a legally binding agreement between a taxpayer and the department that sets out the terms and conditions for the taxpayer to pay their tax debts over time. The agreement may include provisions for the taxpayer to make regular payments to the department until the tax debt is fully paid.

Why do taxpayers need a Ma Dor Payment Agreement?

Taxpayers may need a Ma Dor payment agreement for various reasons. For instance, taxpayers who are unable to pay their tax debts in full may enter into a payment agreement to avoid the department`s collection actions, such as bank levies, wage garnishments, and property seizures. Additionally, taxpayers who anticipate future financial hardships may benefit from entering into a payment agreement to avoid potential tax liabilities.

What are the criteria for obtaining a Ma Dor Payment Agreement?

To obtain a Ma Dor payment agreement, the taxpayer must meet certain criteria. Firstly, the taxpayer must be current with their tax filings and have no outstanding tax liabilities other than those proposed to be included in the payment agreement. Secondly, the taxpayer must demonstrate that they are unable to pay their tax debts in full. Finally, the taxpayer must agree to pay interest and penalties on the unpaid tax debt until the balance is fully paid.

How do taxpayers apply for a Ma Dor Payment Agreement?

Taxpayers can apply for a Ma Dor payment agreement by completing the Payment Agreement Request Form (PARD-1). The taxpayer must provide detailed information about their financial situation, including income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. The department may require the taxpayer to provide supporting documents, such as bank statements, pay stubs, and tax returns, to verify their financial information.

What happens if taxpayers default on their Ma Dor Payment Agreement?

If taxpayers default on their Ma Dor payment agreement, the department may take enforcement actions to collect the unpaid tax debt. The department may issue wage garnishments, bank levies, or property seizures to recover the outstanding balance. Additionally, the taxpayer may incur additional interest and penalties on the unpaid tax debt.


A Ma Dor payment agreement can be an effective tool for taxpayers who are unable to pay their tax debts in full. By entering into a payment agreement, taxpayers can avoid enforcement actions and potential tax liabilities. However, it is essential for taxpayers to meet the criteria for a payment agreement and comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement. Failure to do so may result in serious consequences.