Monthly archives: March, 2023

English Subject Verb Agreement Mcq

English Subject-Verb Agreement MCQ: Test Your Grammar Knowledge Subject-verb agreement is one of the basic building blocks of grammar. It refers to the consistency between the subject and the verb in a sentence. If the subject is singular, the verb should be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural …

Express Agreement Meaning in Business

Express Agreement Meaning in Business: What You Need to Know In the world of business, express agreement is a critical concept that can help prevent misunderstandings, disputes and legal issues. At its core, express agreement refers to a binding agreement between two or more parties that is clearly stated in writing or verbally, with …

Double Taxation Agreement between India and China

India and China have been working towards stronger economic ties for several years now. One of the significant ways in which the two countries have strengthened their economic partnership is through the signing of a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA). This agreement has been in effect since 1994 and has undergone revisions in 2005 …

Contractor Self Billing Agreement

A contractor self-billing agreement is a legal agreement between a contractor and a client that outlines the terms of payment and ensures timely and accurate billing of services rendered. This type of agreement is commonly used in the construction industry, where contractors may work on multiple projects for different clients simultaneously. Under a self-billing …

Nec3 Professional Services Short Contract Free Download

The NEC3 Professional Services Short Contract, also known as the PSSC, is a widely used contract in the construction industry. It is specifically tailored for professional services, such as consulting, engineering, and architectural services, which play a critical role in the construction process. The NEC3 PSSC is designed to promote good management practices, open …